Ch. About Time's Cwn Annwn, AKA "P-Jo", is by far one of the best dogs I have ever owned. Since the day I laid eyes on him I knew he was going to be a handful but well worth the extra effort. He is unbelievably smart and it has been a challenge to stay one step ahead of him. His eagerness to please and willingness to learn is truly amazing. P-Jo has a very impressive natural protection instinct that kicked in around four months old. I was a little baffled on what to do about him being so overly protective at such a young age. I decided the best thing to do was to over-socialize him and he soon learned the difference between a true threat and normal, everyday people. To this day he loves everybody unless they give him a reason not to. Even though I do not have kids and only occasionally hang out with my nieces, nephews and friends kids, P-Jo, true to his Corso roots, just loves being around children. He naturally keeps watch over them and the only time he leaves my side is to be around them.
I chose P-Jo because I believed he was the most outgoing and alpha dominant puppy in the litter. These are the exact personality traits I wanted my Corso to have in order to be able to accomplish everything I wanted to do with him. I was under the impression that Corsos were a fearless "jack of all trades" breed and they could do anything. To date I have not been disappointed. He has unbelievable endurance, is extremely smart, has looks to die for, a great protection/defense drive, is very strong, has an excellent prey drive and loves to work. He is off-the-charts active outside of the house but he is calm and laid back while in the house. I am pretty sure I ended up with one of the only non-destructive Corso pups. P-Jo has has unlimited access to my house and property ever since he reached 8 months old and has never destroyed anything. He listens better than most dogs even though I rarely work on his obedience training. Nearly 99% of the time he is the most happy, goofy, comical, fun loving dog you could ask for but when a situation presents itself and he needs to defend family and property, he takes his job seriously. P-Jo has great situational awareness and judgement. He has exceeded all of my expectations and then some. When I started searching for the ultimate companion I found it at About Time Cane Corso.
Elva W. Las Vegas, Nevada
Ch About Time's Cwn Anwn (AKA: "P-Jo"), AKC Ch CD, BN, RA, CGCA TDI TT CAL1-2 ACAL1-3 ATAN WDST1 HIT.
Photos by owner Elva, used with legal right per contract agreement.
